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I'll be your bird
07 April 2010
I laughed, I cried...
15 March 2010
Family night
Then we watched this:
And then we went through the mail and found our census questionnaire. Maybe you wouldn't think it sounds like the best night ever, but let me tell you IT TOTALLY WAS.
03 March 2010
This too shall pass
I know you've already seen this all over the interwebs, but this here blog was feeling a little shabby and underappreciated so I thought I'd borrow some pep.
16 November 2009
I can't believe my wedding was the best night of my life
Any girlish dreams I had about weddings died that day.
So imagine my surprise as I sit here, scanning these pictures over and over again only to realize that our wedding was the best night of my life. Really and truly. And I never ever expected that. Not even when we booked my favorite restaurant for the reception. Not even when people from all over America told us they'd be there, including what seemed like half of every ward Cameron and I have ever lived in (o, how we love you all!). Not even when my mom said I could end the agony of dress shopping and just have the H-ing thing made. And somehow not even when Cameron asked, mere hours after a shockingly unexpected proposal of marriage, if I thought we could book live band karaoke for the reception.
Not even then.
(My favorites are the ones where everyone looks really stupid. I want to wallpaper my apartment walls with them.)
When it was over, we could hear "o-lay-o-lay-o-lay-o-lay" drifting into the cool distance as Cameron and I drove away from a teeming crowd of maniacs who happened to be our best friends, and I have absolutely never in my whole life been happier than in that moment.
01 November 2009
The world series
1. LA and its environs have been enjoying the sunshine while those East Coast yahoos fight it out in the freezing rain (hmmf).
2. Our adorable Cabot cheddar commercials have disappeared, making way for the shameless promotion of some cinematic monstrosity having nothing whatsoever to do with the Great American Pastime (I will neither name it, nor link to it). Worse than commercials, they actually mixed this movie's footage with the narrative of the previous games as the official intro to tonight's game. Fox is ugly.
3. Cameron has been fighting the good fight with the DVR, which refuses to record a complete game. I'm not sure we've seen any sixth innings.
4. Daylight Savings Time: all sunshine for the next six months will be witnessed from my office chair. So sad, but at least I'm lucky enough to have a glass wall (remind me sometime to tell you about the greatest office I will probably ever have in my entire career).
5. I discovered I would have to publish the wedding pics in three installments rather than two. And I promise what you all will really want to see is Part Three: in which our loved ones impress the very seasoned members of Mr. Mister Miyagi. But tonight, I must instead give you the slightly less glamorous Part Two: in which we take many many posed pictures. They're lovely, of course, and many thanks and credit are given to our photographer Michael Negrete, who was endlessly patient and low key--very important for us that day--and who, after producing a lot of beautiful traditional images for us, was totally game for the party pics we really wanted.
29 October 2009
Best birthday cake ever

Baked Alaska from Ici (mine looked a bit bloodier inside--inner layer: raspberry rose, outside layer: strawberry--so I clipped this from the website). It was so much better than I had even dared to dream! Thank you, husband, for listening and remembering when I talk about the things I love. You're the berries.
11 October 2009
Post Season
2. this Cabot cheddar commercial
3. a slightly less attentive husband (not all gifts are good)
4. ample TV time with which to upload the dreaded wedding pics
And by dreaded, I hope you know I really mean beloved. So heartily beloved, in fact, that their absence from this blog has given me great pain and kept me from moving on to less weighty matters of posting, such as the lemon icebox pie I made this weekend and my opinion of twitter. I mean, it's been 6 months! Nobody cares anymore! But I can't let it go, so here in short order is Part One: in which our hero Cameron Cunningham goes from sleepless completion of a midterm lab write-up, to wedded bliss on the lawn of the Los Angeles LDS Temple. Photos courtesy* of Jorge Ambrocio and Barbara Cunningham (much love to them both).
*I know there were more of you taking pictures that day. We'd love to see them sometime!